Music Video - Start Something - Tear Down The Flagship

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Start Something

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Nick's Treatment for Start Something

After a reccy of our location this evening I have a clear vision of this video. The video will consist of three main sets of shots. One in a plain, clean space with the band all dressed in black, the next in a really messy workspace with very harsh lighting and strobes, and finally 5 individual claustrophobic band member shots. The video will be all performance and concept.

The locations will be flicked between to show the contrast in song sections. The verses have quite a pop-punky positive feel to them while the chorus is quite heavy and almost like a beatdown.

The plain location will be used for the verses (00:41, 01:40). The band will be performing in stage layout (drummer centre back, vocalist centre front, guitarists and bass in between). We will have a wide angle and individual band shots here that we will cut between to show a lively and energetic performance. It will be very brightly lit to emphasize the cleanliness and plainness of the room. The band will be wearing all black except maybe the vocalist wearing either a white top or a bright colour to stand out. The lead vocalist will do all singing and the guitarists will do the backing vocals and screaming. Our main focus will be on movement and quite normal camera angles but rarely ever still shots (apart from the wide angle).

The messy location will kick in on the "1,2,3,4 MOVE" (01:19, 02:18). This location is a lot darker and will be lit harshly. This will be partially helped by the powerful hand-held lights we found on the reccy which we will cluster together to make beacons of light facing upwards around the band. This scene will also use strobe lighting to create a really crazy mood and the band will be even more energetic than before. We will mimic the shots from the plain location but put odd cants and twists to them maybe involving focus to really mess with the viewers head.

The five individual band shots will be done in small rooms around the location, one of which is maybe the old lift we found on the reccy. These will be cut-aways used regularly throughout the entire video. My idea for them is to shoot the band members playing along to the song at half speed then in post production add a fish eye lens to the shot and put the song back up to normal speed. If we get the angles tight enough this will give a really claustrophobic feel to the shot and also make all of the band members movements really jolted and weird.

There are specific moments in the song where I also have very clear visions of particular shots. At the beginning before the vocals kick in there is a reverse cymbal (00:38) at which point I want to do a montage of reverse shots. I was thinking of tying this in with the ending of the video where there is a gong in the music (02:54). I wanted to have the vocalist throwing his mic on the floor at the end smashing it, and at 00:38 showing this clip in reverse and the mic flying back up into his hands before the singing starts. Also I wanted to show the drummer hitting his cymbals in reverse, again giving a really weird, crazy edge to the video to confuse the viewer and make them more interested in the concept of the song and video.

Another bit I've been thinking of is in the breakdown after the second chorus (02:35), the band can start playing in slow motion. To do this we can do the reverse of the individual cut-aways and film the song at 25-50% extra speed and slow it down. It will look really weird as everyone will be moving slowly but playing in time and will really fit in with the rest of the weird concepts in the video. This shot may be harder though as it will need to be a very high frame rate to slow down effectively.

This treatment does not really have anything to do with the lyrics but I don't think that particularly matters. The song is about stopping being lazy and doing something with your life and I think we can choose to show that by making a very energetic video that reflects the musical style rather than the lyrics.

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