Music Video - Start Something - Tear Down The Flagship

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Start Something

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Pitch (This is a constant work in progress)

I thought that we could put this on our blog and update it as we know ready for the pitch on Thursday :)
Feel free to edit and add as you go.

1. The track itself
Start Something - Lostprophets

2. What you know about the track, and the original band/artist
Off the Welsh Nu-metal/alternative rock band Lostprophets second studio album "Start Something". It is the title track of the album but was not chosen for a single.

3. The genre of the music and the signifiers of this
Hard Rock. Band layout (Vocalist, 2 guitars, bass, drums), distorted guitars (heavier sound in comparison to acoustic instruments), screaming and clean vocals (screaming adds t3h br00t4lz to the music), fast drums, use of double pedal in the drums, breakdown (slower section with very heavy feel, usually riff based).

Costume/Clothing. (baggy/straight cut jeans and shirts/quite plain/bit grunge/lots of black) Hair cuts (Medium length, styled). Generally dark colours associated with the style of the music (compliments) Generally male band members, young adults.

Live performance, electric guitars (Ibanez, ESP, Jackson, Gibson - these makes have specific tone and look for the music), drums (complicated set up, double pedal, lots of cymbals), electric bass (sometimes keyboard), vocalist as an individual member (not often playing instrument as well). Big equipment (amp stacks).

4. The target audience you intend to appeal to
Clothing style, similar to that of the band. Music taste (similar bands e.g. Funeral For a Friend, The Blackout) (generally wider music taste, Lostprophets a half way point between Rock bands and Heavier music. Means quite varied crowd).


Age : mid teens to young adult (20s). Gender : mixed bag, males for genre (fans of heavy music), girls for sex appeal (apparently hot band).

5. Your treatment for the video which should include visual references (stills and video)

6. Your treatment should give a strong sense of the overall style, mise-en-scene, mood and theme of your idea.

7. You should be able to discuss in terms of Goodwins questions on B2 (using B7 to help you)

"Your presentation should last about 10 minutes, you should all contribute. It can be informal. Use your blog for your visual aids, plus your treatment should be printed in colour as a handout. be prepared to answer questions, discuss feedback, note it down and adapt your treatment."


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